
Take advantage of our architectural expertise

Windows determine the look of a building, they permit views to the outside and to the inside, they are highlights and a focus of architecture.

That’s why we address especially the function and effect of windows and entrance doors in architecture and have compiled all necessary information for you on our architects homepage VISION.CONNECTION.ARCHITECTURE.

It is designed as source of inspiration with thematic competence and should give you helpful information for the day-to-day planning – from U value to design ideas, theoretically and practically, some in detail, some as overview. We’ll show you numerous detailed solutions and references, seen from a holistic architectural view.


BIM is an acronym for Building Information Modelling, or Building Information Model. It describes the process of designing a building collaboratively using one coherent system of computer models rather than as separate sets of drawings.

Click on the BIM Logo and you can see the different BIM objects and download them.


NBS Plus

NBS Plus is a library of Internorm  technical product information, written by RIBA experts in NBS format and linked to specific clauses within the market-leading NBS specification software products.

Click on the NBS Plus Logo and you can see the different Products and download the specifications.